Mandatory ticket validation

In the transportation networks of Rimini, Cesena, Ravenna and Forlì it is mandatory to validate tickets and passes by putting close or inside the validator every time it is boarded the bus, also in event of transshipment from a bus to another one during the route.
The mandatory validation of the travel document for the public transportation is established by the Regional Law 25/2016.

Magnetic travel documents
Simple ride tickets with or without overprice, Day Ticket 24 hours, multiride tickets, multidays Romagna SmartPass.
The validation is made by putting the travel document inside the validator that will make a sound similar to “Tac” and will print on it date, area and identification number of the bus.
In event of transshipment, it will be also print the letter C.
Microchip travel documents
Monthly, two-months or annual passes, or Students’ Card at special price.
The validation is made by putting close the contactless travel document in front of the valiidator, that will make a “Bip” and then will show on the display the message “Buon viaggio”.

Carta Unica
The owners of monthly or annual passes on Carta Unica released by Trenutalia must validate their card at every boarding of the bus by using the specific validator Mi Muovo.
The validation for passes on Unica and Mi Muovo is mandatory at every boarding and at every switch of vehicle by following the art.40 of LR 30/98. There can be checks for the regoular usage of the service.
More information on Carta Unica are available in this page.
Exception to the mandatory validation
The following travel documents do not need to be validated:
Forlì and Cesena
- Abbonamento Classi Forlì
- Biglietto Voucher 1 zona
- Biglietto Uscite didattiche
- Biglietto giornaliero da 0,50 €.
- Biglietto Voucher 1 zona
- Biglietto Voucher 2 o più zone
- Biglietti cumulativi per gruppi (voucher)
- Biglietti da emettitrici di bordo
All the areas
The integrated passes Trenitalia monthly, for students and annual on paper and not on Carta Unica.
Cesena e Zona 880 | SCARICA |
Forlì e Zona 860 | SCARICA |
Ravenna e Zona 700 | SCARICA |
Rimini e Zona 900 | SCARICA |